HUSZTI dental care
But, like many pregnant women, she was worried: She had heard from friend that a coworker’s cousin had some oral health complications during pregnancy and it led to serious complications and, well, she was afraid the same thing might happen to her. What could she do to avoid that?
That patient was smart to tell the doctors she is pregnant. First, remember to take your medical advice from medical professionals you trust and not from friends of friends or social media. That way you get straight answers and can ask follow-up questions.
Oral healthcare professionals need to know everything about their patients. That’s why we ask every visit whether anything has changed in your medical history since the last time you were in the office. Healthcare issues that you may not feel impact oral care actually do, and pregnancy is one of them.
But, in general, there is nothing to worry about, especially if you maintain a strong oral hygiene program.
Hormonal changes may cause gingivitis, or puffy, tender gums. Keep brushing — with a soft brush — and just tell the doctors if you feel it’s causing trouble. Pregnant women also seem to develop cavties, most of which are due to dietary changes — all those snacks due to cravings are responsible for that. Again, keep brushing!
Women who experience frequent nausea during pregnancy should be aware that they shouldn’t brush their teeth immediately after vomiting because the teeth have just come into contact with stomach acids. It’s better to rinse your mouth with water immediately to remove that acid and brush later.
In the spirit of full disclosure, studies looking at any correlations between pregnant women with periodontitis — a severe, long-term gum infection — and pregnancy complications including low birth weight, pre-term birth and the possibility of developing pre-eclampsia. This is rare, but should be noted.
Also remember that regular dental care poses no risk to pregnancy — not even from the taking of X-rays, as had been thought in the past. Huszti Dental Care continues to upgrade its technology so none of our patients are exposed to the lowest amount of radiation possible. Our digital x-ray sensors are exquisitely sensitive and require even less radiation than the most sensitive analog film.
Pregnancy brings lots of worries, but if you just maintain the good habits you practiced before pregnancy, you can be sure the smile that greets the newest resident of Milford is healthy and beautiful.