HUSZTI dental care
The holidays are here and with them come parties, late nights, foods and sweets that can put your oral hygiene routine on a back burner. Here are some tips on how to keep that from happening. It's easier than you think.
Stay consistent with your routine — Don’t forget the basics: brush twice a day and floss. Bring travel-sized toothpaste and a toothbrush with you to events to help you keep your routine on track.
Be mindful of sugary treats — Cookies, pies and candy canes are everywhere from office kitchenettes to parties, but they can lead to tooth decay if you’re not careful. Eat them in moderation and pair them with water to rinse away the sugars and acids that build up and cause decay. And sure, those cookies only come around once a year, but also eat other things — fruits, nuts, crunchy vegetables.
Drink plenty of water — Holiday beverages like hot cocoa, wine and sweet alcoholic drinks can take a toll on your teeth. Drinking water not only keeps you hydrated but also washes away lingering food particles and reduces acidity in your mouth which can lead to decay.
Don’t skip dental appointments — With all the hubbub of the holidays, it’s easy to forget routine dental checkups. Many of our patients who have come to us for years are now away at college and have to fit in a dental visit while home between semesters. Don't skip those appointments! A professional cleaning can help remove any buildup that might have accumulated during your festivities.
All of us here at Huszti Dental Care understand that the holidays can be so busy that people tend to slack off on their dental care. But keeping on top of things like exercising, eating well — and taking care of your oral hygiene — will ensure your teeth are in great shape before the New Year.