HUSZTI dental care
A child’s first tooth is the source of many photos, smiles and, well, sleepless nights.
But did you know that one of the best ways to protect that tooth and the ones that come after begins long before it pokes out from their gum? It begins before the baby is born.
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to prevent cavities in young children is to ensure pregnant women take care of their oral health.
When women are pregnant, they may be more susceptible to gum disease and cavities because they may have higher levels of the bacteria in their mouths.
Also, with morning sickness comes stomach acid that can eat away at your tooth enamel, providing an opening for bacteria to use. (If you do have morning sickness, the CDC says rinsing your mouth with water and a little bit of baking soda will neutralize that acid.)
This happens for a number of reasons. Pregnant women eat more and often eat odd combinations of food at times when brushing after isn’t convenient. Also, pregnancy is exhausting! Sometimes it’s easier to go to bed without brushing and flossing. Even after the baby is born, late-night feedings and all the tasks that come with a newborn may lead the mom to slack off on oral hygiene.
A kiss, a shared spoon or a quickly licked clean pacifier (we all do it!) can transfer that bacteria to the baby.
So, what’s a pregnant woman to do?
Well, the first step is obvious: Keep up your oral hygiene routine. Brush twice a day for two minutes each time. Floss regularly.
And come see us at Huszti Dental Care before the baby is born. Dental work during pregnancy is completely safe. And, it’s a lot easier to get to our Milford Road office with just you than it is to plan around a baby’s schedule. (Of course, our staff would be thrilled to get some baby time while you’re in our office!)
Really, it’s just a matter of remembering to take care of yourself while taking care of your baby. That way, that first tooth and all that follow are strong and healthy.