HUSZTI dental care
Everyone who comes through the door of Huszti Dental Care in Milford says it feels like a family.
That's what strive for with our practice. This is not the dental office you went to as a child, it is a welcoming place of calm and healing. There is a lot of laughter — sometimes tears — but we hope you all know you are family.
We thought you might want to know a little bit about our family.
Many of you may know that Dr. Huszti likes to challenge himself in lots of different ways, from making movies to feats of strength. He has run a number of marathons and triathlons. He shares the love of running with Dr. Chong-Huszti, who has racked up many miles running herself and the two have passed it on to their daughters, Olivia and Sophia.
Last month, the whole family traveled to Washington, D.C. where they all took part in the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run. It was a beautiful day and the four of them joined some 15,000 other runners racing through the nation's capitol. Dad and oldest daughter, Olivia, wore jerseys representing University of Detroit Mercy where he earned his D.D.S. and she is president of the first-year Dental class.
Drs. Huszti and Chong-Huszti met while earning their degree at Detroit Mercy Dental and both daughters are following in their footsteps. Sophia joins Olivia in the fall at the school to earn their D.D.S. degrees. Longtime patients will not be surprised at this, since Olivia and Sophia often could be found helping out around the practice.
They are not sure when or where their next race will be, but there will be one and you can be sure they will all be there to support each other.