HUSZTI dental care
Keeping accurate health records is a vital part of any healthcare provider. Just as important for patients — and for us — is having easy access to them from anywhere in case of emergencies. This means health records and data are primarily stored online these days, which gives rise to concerns about the safety of the data.
Huszti Dental Care takes security seriously. A recent article by the American Dental Association reported that more than 650 dental practices were affected by a ransomware attack in February on an accounts receivable management agency that serves healthcare clients. Though it was stopped in process, some files containing personal information were accessed.
If people in Milford or Highland know anything about Huszti Dental Care, it’s that this is a practice that loves technology. We use the latest — and most pain-free — methods to do everything from numbing your gums to filling cavities, all so you have better outcomes.
So it should come as no surprise that the practice recently made a significant investment in “virtual servers” to enhance and safe guard our data. Optical copies of data are made frequently throughtout the day both onsite and off in a system called “server clusters.”
This will also enhance our disaster recovery plan significantly. Before this upgrade, it would have taken days to recover data that might have been lost to a catastrophic event. Now it takes mere minutes.
Until now, these virtual servers were cost prohibitive for businesses like Huszti Dental Care. Only large industry could afford them. But due to recent advances in hardware, the cost has come down making them affordable to smaller enterprises.
Though they are more affordable, we have found out that Huszti Dental Care is among only a very few dental offices in Michigan to have this system.
This is another example of the lengths we go through to ensure you have the best experience possible with your dental care. If you have any questions, please let us know, we’ll be happy to answer any questions.