HUSZTI dental care
When you come to Huszti Dental Care, our team checks for any signs of oral cancer, and you should be sure to share any issues of concern you have regarding your lips, mouth, tongue, teeth, cheeks or neck. That’s right, your neck. Your neck, right under your jawline, is home to lymph nodes, which are often early indicators of illness or disease.
Oral cancer is tough to fight. Only about half of those diagnosed today will be alive in five years. And those who do beat it will have gone through years of painful treatments that can leave you with other quality of life issues for the rest of your life.
What causes it? Use of tobacco products and excessive drinking are two common causes. But what might surprise you is that the most common form of oral cancer is caused by a virus most of us have come into contact with during our lives. A healthy immune system usually fights off the virus. But there is a small percentage of the population whose immune system doesn’t recognize the virus as a threat and many years later it can manifest as cancer. There is no way of knowing which part of the population you are in, so it’s important that it be caught early when treatments aren’t as difficult.
Again, any dentist will check for signs of oral cancer, twice a year at your regular visit, but you can check at home for yourself the rest of the year. But before that, be aware of changes in your mouth and neck, including discomfort or swelling that that doesn’t go away. Tenderness, too, can be a sign of something wrong. Not every bump or pain is an indicator of something as serious as cancer, but remember the team at Huszti Dental Care knows what is normal and what may indicate something more serious. If you have any concerns, don’t wait until your next appointment: Call us and we can take a look. Even just for your own peace of mind.
The Oral Cancer Foundation’s Check Your Mouth campaign has a very helpful video to show you how to do a
routine self-exam monthly. It only takes a few minutes and can be a lifesaver. You can find more information at