HUSZTI dental care
This is the time of year when people make resolutions for the coming year. Whether you resolve to read more, or lose a couple pounds, try something new or reconnect with an old friend, resolutions often fail because they are too ambitious.
The team at Huszti Dental Care wants to help you make a resolution you can keep in the short term and for the rest of your life: Resolve to take better care of your mouth.
Here are three things you can do today that will have an immediate effect on the health of your teeth and gums.
You don’t have to completely cut out sugar, but when you use it, use it less often and in smaller amounts. Bacteria in your mouth feed on sugar. When you eat sugar, you give bacteria the ammunition they need to form cavities and gum disease.
Remember that pop has a lot of sugar in it, so watch how much you drink. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to something high in sugar to a soda once in a while, but it’s called a “treat” for a reason and should not be an everyday thing.
Every day, two to three times a day with fluoride toothpaste. You’ve heard this a million times by now, but it is the best way to remove bacteria, which can form plaque, which can cause cavities, which will land you in the dental chair.
Remember that brushing doesn’t end when you put your toothbrush back in the medicine cabinet. Consider flossing to be part of brushing your teeth, not something you have to do in addition to brushing. Floss cleans places even the best brushes cannot reach and make your teeth 35 percent cleaner.
Well, it doesn’t have to be us, but you should see a dentist regularly. Twice a year is the minimum. At these visits expect to have a regular cleaning, a chat with the dentist to see whether you have any issues or whether he or she sees anything of concern. Early detection is important because the earlier a dentist can address an issue, the better the outcome.
These three easy steps will make your mouth a healthier one for 2020 and beyond.
Watch a video that addresses this topic on Huszti Dental Care’s YouTube channel